Wednesday, October 25, 2006

business as usual?

Technorati Profile

getting in touch with my inner Martha

so this whole mommy blogosphere mystifies me. how do all the SAHMs (oowee - look at how proficient I am in blogspeak!) have time to read, blog and comment on everyone else's blogs? I mean seriously - piles of undone laundry beckon (I'm ignoring the 'wash me, fold me' pleas), the house is a wreck while I'm surfing and blogging. Obviously I'm not privy to the secret on how to balance life, family and blogging. Speaking of balance - inner balance that is - I'm checking out a Hatha yoga workshop this weekend. I've been doing the Bikram yoga thing lately - love it - sweat, sweat, sweat all that bad karma away - but figured it was worth checking out another discipline.
BTW - today is the day I turn over a 'new blogging' leaf - I've dusted off my digital camera and am going to get trigger happy. Won't the grandparents and aunties be pleased! (it's not really my fault that the first four years of S's life,and the first 16 months of F's are largely undocumented - I've been too busy living in the moment - well sort of - I've just been busy trying to get the hang of this whole parenting thing - and I've been ignoring my inner Martha- maybe in about 15 years I'll be ready to start working on family albums, and baby books )

Monday, October 23, 2006

Working to figure out the logistics behind the blogosphere. here's pic of me - it's a classic 'i haven't slept for a full night in 4 years' look but hey at least you can't see the underbelly of grey hair. gotta love the zoom out feature on cameras.